Indeed, Mr. Benepe went out of his way in the statement to praise the food. “One of the great New York City pleasures is enjoying tacos, huaraches and other fine Latin American cuisine at Red Hook Park,” he said. “The Parks Department is happy to keep this longstanding tradition in place by extending the permit for the Food Vendors Committee of Red Hook Park through the end of the season. We encourage all New Yorkers to come to the park and enjoy a palate-pleasing tour of Latin America.”
Said Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York:
Hooray for the huaraches!
Thanks to all who helped!
I hate to say this but its only a little temporary pacifier. Its so sad that this place is under attack. Seriously, I grew up in BK and 10 years ago, the city couldnt give to flying craps about red hook. But now, since there is some money coming into the hood, everyone wants their cut.. who cares about the people who have thus far made it what it is. :(
I agree with Jessica. I'm sure the city is just hoping that people's response to their attempts to shut the vendors down will cool down or disappear over the winter . . . and then come next spring/summer - no more Red hook Vendors.
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